About: When I was a kid, I remember reading a caption under a photo in my camp’s newsletter, “Bunkmates who eat peanut butter together, stick together.” I thought it was so clever. Now, many years past my camp days, the significance of the message has deepened.
As a mother of eight, I see the value of eating together as a family, and the many positive results it reaps. But, life being as busy as it is, well... I think you know the end of that sentence without me spelling it out. The modern family has a variety of commitments and a broad menu of activities which stretch the family in a million directions. There's so much distraction that it's a challenge to maintain an island of quietness, a reservoir of still strength, from which a family unit can draw.
And that is the beauty - the gift - of Shabbat. The world comes to a standstill as a new energy fills us. Shabbat is a time to be together, to dialogue together and to grow together.
It was with that in mind, that Chabad Hebrew School developed THE DIALOGUE as a family tool. THE DIALOGUE stimulates thoughtful discussion, fostering meaningful family time.
(The fact that the subject matter is based on the children’s Hebrew School lessons, linking home and school, is an added bonus!) 
Malkie Herson 
Educational Director

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